Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Andover High School Students Attend Global Summit in Costa Rica

Andover High Global Summit group
Front row - Steve Sanborn (faculty), Dustin Yang, Melanie Cutler (faculty), Jonathan Monderer,
Meredith Hunt, Qiqi Zhang, Sophie Uluatam.
Back row - Evan Lungren, Dan Perrone, Connor O'Griffin, Meghan Johnson,
Samara Dowe, Catalina Ayacardi, Carolyn Holden

A dozen students with two faculty chaperones from Andover High School travelled to Costa Rica in mid-march to tour parts of Costa Rica and attend the EF Global Sustainability Summit in San Jose, Costa Rica.  Arriving in San Jose's captial city on March 15, the group set off for five days of exploration in different parts of Costa Rica viewing their travel through the lens of global sustainability.  Throughout the tour, the EF tour director highlighted the many ways in which Costa Rica has turned to environmental preservation and sustainability as a course for economic development and environmental conservation.

Sophie Uluatam, Catalina Ayacardi, QiQi Zhang, and Meghan Johnson tear into some mangos

The first destination for the group was the Tortuguero National Park where the group travelled by boat to stay beachside near one of the most prolific sea turtle egg laying beaches in the world.  Despite being out of season, students were treated to unexpected surprise as a leatherback turtle arrived early to the beach to lay its eggs at night.  In the glow of amber flashlights and with close supervision by park rangers, students were able to observe up close the 800 lbs leatherback laying its eggs in the darkness of the night.  While in the Tortugeuro area, the group also enjoyed boat-based tours of Costa Rican wildlife and a visit to a local village elementary school where spirited soccer match was played with students.

Researchers monitoring leatherback turtle laying eggs.  (Stock photo - no photos
allowed by park rangers due to impact of flashes on the turtle)

Alvaro, our tour director, talking bananas with Dan Perrone

Next stop for the group was the Arenal region dominated by the famous Arenal volcano.  Here students participated in a tour of a cocoa plantation, zip-lined across the canopy of the forest, experienced the thermal baths in Fortuna, and braved the rapids while rafting on the Serapiqui River. On the way back to San Jose, the group spent several hours at One World College interacting with students from around the world living on the culturally diverse campus of this unique boarding school.

Our rooms with a view of the Arenal volcano

Swimming at the spectacular Fortuna Water Falls

Navigating the Serapiqui River

Arriving on Friday night in San Jose, the Andover High students joined several hundred other high school and middle school students at the Wyndham Hotel for the 3-day EF Environmentally Sustainability Global Summit, a program that featured keynote speakers Jane Goodall and Severin Cullis-Suzuki, numerous workshops and speakers addressing environmental issues and concerns, and training in using the the design thinking process to develop solutions to environmental problems. Andover High students were sorted into teams to collaborate with other students from across the US and Costa Rica as they worked on solutions and prototypes exhibited at a global village exhibition where ideas were pitched and voted on by summit attendees.  The summit ended with a big farewell party at the Hard Rock Cafe before heading back to Andover late on March 23.

Building a prototype of the device to address an environmental problem

Pitching ideas at the noisy, high energy Innovation Village showcase

In the months prior to attending the summit, each student prepared an online introductory video that highlighted an environmental issue or theme important to the student.  Sophomore Catalina Ayacardi's video was one of nine selected as the finest and as an award, Catalina joined the other winners for a special private luncheon with Dr. Jane Goodall.  Catalina also had the honor of speaking on behalf of the other students during a special welcoming toast to Dr. Goodall.

Video project winner enjoy private lunch with Dr. Jane Goodall

Dr. Jane Goodall and AHS sophomore Catalina Ayacardi

In the months leading up to the summit, AHS senior Meghan Johnson applied and was selected to be an intern summit.  Among other responsibilities, Meghan helped coordinate a student press conference for Dr. Goodall as well as writing and presenting a thoughtful, well received introduction for closing speaker Severin Cullis-Susuki.  All members of the Andover High group enjoyed an educational, enjoyable, and memorable experience in Costa Rica.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Doherty Students Compete in Bridge Competition

     On Saturday, February 7th, Doherty Middle School students, Maya Jensen, Akshay Godhani, Alex Rickards, Ben Winkler, Jake Costello and their Engineering teacher/mentor Anthony Helinski, traveled to the Curry Student Center at Northeastern University to participate in the 19th annual Model Bridge Competition. The competition, sponsored by the Boston Society of Civil Engineers (BSCES), Massachusetts Pre-Engineering Program (MassPEP) and the Massachusetts Highway Department (MassHighway) challenged students across the commonwealth to design then build a sturdy, efficient and aesthetically pleasing bridge from specified materials. 
The team

     In past years, students have used plastic forks, foam, spaghetti and manila folders. This season’s supplies included two key components, chopsticks and hot glue. Through a generous grant, needed supplies were mailed to participating teachers.
     Guided by newly appointed and highly skilled Engineering teacher Mr. Helinksi, students enthusiastically embraced the challenge, rolled up their sleeves and began construction in November 2014. Following strict parameters and employing the engineering design process, the team met weekly to experiment with different models, discuss strategy and problem solve in the DMS engineering lab. In addition, students actively employed Andover’s learning philosophy the 4C’s - collaboration, creativity, communication and critical thinking.
Checking construction

      As the contest date inched closer, the team met more frequently, putting in “overtime” to make up for snow days. While constructing, Grade 6 student Alex Rickards, who’s favorite subject is engineering, commented, “I love to figure out how things work”.

Judging underway

     On the morning of the competition, students, together with their dedicated mentor, roamed the Northeastern campus in wonderment; they were thrilled to participate in a very professional and official competition. The energy in the building that day was palpable as students from Grade 3 through high school presented their bridges to a panel of local experts. Doherty students finished strong. More importantly, the hands-competition offered students both a unique opportunity to experience real world problem solving and exposure to the engineering profession. The Doherty bridge building team is already planning for their second season. Let the games begin!

It looks great, but does it hold weight?

Sunday, March 1, 2015

West Elementary School Science Fair showcases scientific thinking

The annual West Elementary School Science Fair, sponsored by the school's PTO group was held on Wednesday, February 11, between snow storms.  The West El cafeteria was filled to capacity with West Elementary students from every grade level and many parents and guests.  The projects presented topics and concepts from a wide variety of areas with most providing interactive components designed to demonstrate experimental findings and educate guests viewing the projects. A sampling of some of the student work with its creators is presented here.

Sam Gallaudet presentationed on black holes including a simulation of how they warp space-time.

The West Elementary cafe was packed with presenters and guest learning lots about science

Using fruit to power clocks - Ryan Magner and Rocco Beltrani (and brother)

Filip Feigin showed how electric motors worked and had two home-made models spinning away.

West El Principal Liz Roos observes as Ella Dougherty shows the effect of air pressure on objects

Emily Serrano and Michaela Buckley explored how to reduce the fizzing of shaken soda cans.  

Liam Cleary shared how to collect space dust in your own back yard.