Sunday, November 30, 2014

West Middle School Student Competes in National Science Fair Competition

     West Middle School 8th grader Floyd Greenwood has been in the news recently in recognition of his recent success in the 2014 Broadcom MASTERS competition, a science fair competition run through the Society for Science and the Public. Greenwood's research, entitled “Selectively Breeding Nannochloropsis Microalgae To Become A Healthier Feedstock For Freshwater Rotifers”, an effort to breed healthier microalgae that serve at the bottom of many aquatic food chains.  For his efforts, Greenwood earned one of the 30 finalist places from among 2054 entrants and a trip to Washington, DC,  in October where he had the opportunity to meet President Obama.  For video and press coverage of Floyd's accomplishment, visit any of these press sites: 

WBZ-TV story with David Robichaud

Boston Globe story

Andover Townsman Story

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