Thursday, December 11, 2014

Cool Science Comes to West Elementary

     It's been an exciting couple of weeks for students at West Elementary School with visits from two enjoyable and informative science presentations visiting the school.  On December 2, second grade students welcomed Michael Bergen from Top Secret Science ( for a presentation about chemistry.  With the entire 2nd grade seated at tables in the cafeteria, students learned and experimented about different kinds of chemical reactions.
Michael Bergen from Top Secret science preps students for making snow
The first experiment involved mixing two liquids together that when reacting, created a mass of expanding, fluffy artificial snow!  Students learned that this substance is frequently used on movie sets to make it seem like winter even in the middle of summer.
Junior scientists at work making snow
     Next, ordinary plastic beads were strung on pipe cleaners to create somewhat dull looking bracelets...until the beads were exposed to sunlight - then they turned a variety of colors when reacting to ultraviolet light.  Several other demonstrations and activities were enjoyed by all 2nd graders during the hour-long program, an annual event funded by the West El PTO.

     On December 10, it was the 4th grade's time to enjoy their annual visit from Mr. Tom Wahle of Techsploration ( who presented an electrifying program in the auditorium about electricity.  The sparks were flying with Van der Graff generators, Tesla coils, wind turbines, and a variety of other electricity-related devices all on display during an outstanding presentation introducing students to what electricity is, how it behaves, how it is made, and what it can be used for.  The program was presented just as students begin their electricity unit of study in science.

Mr. Wahle, with help from a friend, demonstrates how copper wire and magnets can be used to generate electricity
After the presentation to the whole grade, Mr. Wahle presented hour long workshops for each 4th grade class during which students build a variety of low voltage circuits complete with switches, bells, electromagnets, and a variety of design challenges.  As with Top Secret Science, the electricity program was made possible through funding provided by the school's PTO and is always regarded as one of the highlights of the 4th grade experience.

An introduction to the parts of the electronics kits is presented.

The challenge - to build a parallel circuit

Experimenting with different kinds of switches

Troubleshooting new circuits

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