Friday, February 13, 2015

Alliance for Climate Education Offers Assembly Program for AHS Students

The Alliance for Climate Education (aka ACE) visited Andover High School on Feb 13 at the invitation of the AHS Environmental Club to offer a dynamic, well-received assembly program about climate change and how students can take action to help address the problem.    

 AHS students listen to a program about climate change.

Several hundred students heard ACE presenter Rowenna Lamm narrate a visual presentation that combined animation, video, and images to present information about the causes of climate change, the impacts of a warmer planetary climate, and the actions students can take to make a difference in addressing this problem.

Junior Dan Perrone offers his idea for a DOT - meatless meals one day a week

Near the end of the program, students were asked to share a DOT, which stands for "Do One Thing", a single idea that could be implemented to help reduce carbon emissions.  Students were able to text their ideas to an online poll site where answers were compiled and ideas could be shared. 

Environmental Club members Sabrina Boutselis and Laurie-Maude Chenard talk about the club's Home Energy Evaluation Fundraiser

At the end of the program, Environmental Club members shared information about a fundraising program being held to both raise money for the club and to improve energy efficiency in Andover homes.  The name of the program is SEED (Sustainable Energy Education Drive) and offers free home energy evaluations to Andover residents who sign up.  During the 2-3 hour energy assessment conducted by Next Step Living, participants receive instant savings measures such as installation of energy-efficient bulbs as well as information on and access to rebates and incentives for other money and energy saving solutions at home.  The AHS Environmental Club receives up to $50.00 for each assessment. The funds will be used to improve energy efficiency efforts at Andover High School, so the program benefits students, home owners, the school, and the environment.

For more information about the this program, visit or email

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