Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Dancing Robot Visits Elementary Schools

Students in Andover's elementary schools were recently treated to a special program about robotics sponsored by the Town-wide PTO.  The Robotics program was presented by an educational presentation company called Wondergy.  During the hour-long program, students learned how electricity and switches are used in robotics for sensing and responding to input.  The role of programming in allowing robots to know what they know was also discussed.
Students at South Elementary School enjoy learning about the different elements of robotics

Demonstrations showing how turning electricity into motion, light, and other forms of energy enables robots to work and programming feedback loops into robot programs allow them to self-correct and adjust to stimuli.

With a little help from some South school volunteers,

the concept of electrical circuits is demonstrated

Ask any student present for the program "What was the highlight?" and the overwhelming response would be NAO, a 58 cm tall humanoid robot produced by a Aldebaran with a variety capabilities though on this day, it impressed the students by showing off it's dance moves to a very appreciative audience. 
NAO, the robotic star of the show, is created and produced by Aldebaran 

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